5 Mouthwash Myths That Could Be Affecting Your Health

Mouthwash is an excellent partner in maintaining healthy oral hygiene as long as it's used properly. Paired with regular brushing, dental visits, and a positive diet - mouthwash can result in a clean, refreshed mouth.

We want to shed light on some aspects of mouthwash that might be overlooked, and some facts that have been shared that are just plain wrong. Knowing your mouthwash better and what it can and can't do can only help benefit your oral health routine. 

It's Okay To Swallow Mouthwash

Not all mouthwashes are created equal, meaning not all of them are safe to swallow and it's something you should always verify before purchasing a new brand of mouthwash.  Some mouthwash brands contain ethanol and fluoride that are both poisonous when consumed in big amounts.

That's why we love our 100% safe to swallow Exhilarating Mint Mouthwash. It's not only safe to swallow but is also scientifically proven to kill 99.99% of germs and is completely non-toxic. Your mouth, liver, and kidneys will thank you! 

You Can Only Use Mouthwash For Your Mouth

Nope. Although you primarily use mouthwash to support good oral health and freshen breath, there are other uses for these rinses. For example, you can use oral rinses to clean, soak, and sanitize dental equipment accessories such as retainers, and mouth guards. 

You Don't Need To Swish & Gargle For 30+ Seconds

You definitely should be swishing and gargling for more than 30 seconds. If your reason for not doing so is because it burns and is painful, check out our article on signs your tongue and mouth could be sending you, or ensure you have an alcohol and fluoride free mouthwash. 

Also, if you're wondering how many times a day you should be using mouthwash, that would be twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. 

Mouthwash Is Only For Bad Breath 

That is some fake news. Mouthwash has so many useful purposes, especially paired with your other dental routines. There are different types of mouthwash that can cater to different needs as well. Besides fighting nasty breath, mouthwash gets in between the nooks and crannies of your teeth to cleanse those hard-to-reach places that your toothbrush misses. This helps prevent plaque build-up, cavities, and gum disease. 

Mouthwash can prevent tooth decay, reduce the speed at which tartar forms on your teeth and helps to reduce and prevent gingivitis. 

Mouthwash Can Be Used As A Substitute For Brushing & Flossing

Unfortunately mouthwash can't do it all on it's own. The combined efforts of all three - brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash are needed for optimal oral health. Even though mouthwash is very handy at getting in those areas your toothbrush can't extend, it needs your toothbrush and floss to break up those carbohydrate-filled foods and debris stuck onto and around your teeth. Without doing this first, your mouthwash won't be able to display it's full ability and you'll be doing your mouth and oral health an injustice. 

In Conclusion

The next time you're perusing which new brand of mouthwash to try, consider how important a role it plays in maintaining a health oral hygiene routine. Mouthwashes serve a much greater purpose than simply getting rid of bad breath.

They can help whiten your teeth, reduce plaque and plaque-causing germs, guard against gingivitis and tartar build up. Mouthwash can also calm sensitive teeth and gums, and of course it does truly freshen your breath too. You want to find one that checks all your boxes and is preferably all-natural, like our favorite, The Exhilarating Mint Mouthwash


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