Coral Nano Silver Research

The Real Science Behind Coral Nano Silver

A lot of customers reach out to ask us how the Nano Silver technology works. It's both incredibly complicated and extremely simple.

Let's start with the simple. Nano Silver technology is a uniquely designed formula which boosts the silver allowing it to attack bacteria and pathogens at a 10 times more effective rate.

This specific process has been through rigorous testing including over 400 major independent reports and human clinical trials. 

This is not only the future of dental health. Nano silver technology is the future of general health. There are so many possibilities for using this technology.

Why Nano Silver?

Centuries Worth of Silver Usage

It's imperative we as humans work to keep our immune system healthy and strong. The better our immune system the faster our ability to heal. Humans all over the world have been using silver for centuries to prevent illness and to speed up recovery from injury.

  • ✓ Greeks used bowls made with silver to keep water and other liquids clean.
  • ✓ Romans stored their wine in silver urns to keep it fresh.
  • ✓ Before antibiotics, it was common knowledge disease-causing germs could not survive being around silver. So silver was often used in dishware, drinking containers and eating utensils.
  • ✓ During the Middle Ages, people believed silverware was what protected the wealthy from the plague.
  • ✓ Australian settlers used silverware in their water tanks to stop spoilage.
  • ✓ Early American settlers placed silver coins in their water jugs to keep bacteria and algae at bay.
  • ✓ In the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds.
  • ✓ During World War 1, silver leaf was used to combat infection in battle wounds.

How Does Nano Silver Technology Work?

The Long Form Answer

  • Silver particles come in many different types such as basic ionic silver or ionic silver bound to a protein. Coral Nano Silver technology uses special Ag404 molecules which have been studied and shown 10 times more effective than traditional silver to destroy bacteria.
  • It's so much more effective because each silver core has thousands of Ag404 silver molecule providing a silver oxidate coating to the core. These tiny molecules steal thousands of electrons from bacteria (what bacteria needs to function). This breaks down the bacteria much faster than traditional silver which only has one molecule stealing electrons.
  • Killing bacteria is like fighting an opponent in a video game, each hit drains their life just a little bit. Each time a molecule removes an electron the bacteria's life source is weakened. Nano Silver is the silver's special power to a faster KO.
  • Coral Nano Silver Toothpaste and Mouthwash not only cleans your teeth but also continues protecting them long after you brush.  
  • Killing bacteria is like fighting an opponent in a video game, each hit drains their life just a little bit. Each time a molecule removes an electron the bacteria's life source is weakened. Nano Silver is the silver's special power to a faster KO.

The Nano Silver Proof is in the Studies

Nano Silver technology has been studied many times over the years and shown to provide incredible results for everything from bandaging wounds to weakening Malaria. It has shown a lot of promise for improving dental health.

  • - Over 400 independent studies and test reports performed by more than 60 leading laboratories and universities.
  • - 30 safety reports and studies.
  • - 3 published and FDA cleared human ingestion studies.
  • - 20+ peer-reviewed and published scientific and medical journal articles.
  • - Thousands of case studies.*

One dental specific study completed by American Biotech Labs used a variety of patients with dental plaque, gingivitis, inflammation and bleeding. These patients used the nano silver technology twice a day for one week.

The Nano Silver Study Results:

✓ 87.5% showed a significant improvement within their first week of use

✓ A record high of 80% saw a major reduction in plaque

✓ 70% had reduced inflammation

✓ 50% of patients had a marked decrease in their gum inflammation

Nano Silver Safety Studies

The safety of using silver in the human body is well established through centuries of trials and research. American Biotech Labs has proven silver to be safe at the levels in more than 30 independent safety studies. Those studies include three actual human ingestion safety studies on nano silver particles.*

These studies prove nano silver is non-toxic to any system in the body, even when people drank it on a daily basis. Coral Nano Silver will not build up in the body and has been shown to exit the body within 24 hours of consumption.

* References:




These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with your doctor and receive proper medical advice before taking any supplement

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