The Science Behind SilverSol Technology

In 2014, The University of Southern Denmark did a preliminary study to see if nano-silver could potentially be dangerous to human cells. The study was done in-vitro (in a petri dish) on human cells, and they found that the silver did do damage to the cells. They warned that people should be cautious in the use of nano-silver, but they also admitted that they did not test or know the actual levels at which nano-silver may become problematic. In other words they never produced any data on even the most basic of questions of scientific study, “at what point can nano silver be a problem. We found the study to be of mediocre quality and lacking in numerous ways.

The safety of SilverSol nano-silver is well established, and we have proven it to be safe at the levels in which we use it over the last 20 years through more than 30 independent safety studies. Those studies include 3 actual human ingestion safety studies on SilverSol nano-silver. Those studies show that Silver Sol was non-toxic to any system in the body when people drank it on a daily basis. They also show that the Silver Sol Technology products will not build up in the body and are washed out of the body within 24 hours of being consumed.

The Proof Is In The Science

It is important to know that any normally harmless substance applied in large levels to human cells will be toxic. Things we commonly ingest everyday will kill our cells if they are used at high levels. For example, regular drinking water will kill human cells at large levels. Salt will quickly kill human cells at large levels. The mineral iron, which is necessary to human life will kill people if they get too much of it. Even peanut butter can kill humans if consumed at large levels. The real question that needs to be asked is at what levels is nano-silver safe for every day human use, and at what levels does it begin to harm human cells?

American Biotech Labs has already answered these questions and many others when it comes to our patented SilverSol Technology. American Biotech Labs believes in “real science”, not scientific gibberish. The safety of SilverSol nano-silver is well established, and we have proven it to be safe at the levels in which we use it over the last 20 years through more than 30 independent safety studies. Those studies include 3 actual human ingestion safety studies on SilverSol nano-silver. Those studies show that Silver Sol was non-toxic to any system in the body when people drank it on a daily basis. They also show that the Silver Sol Technology products will not build up in the body and are washed out of the body within 24 hours of being consumed. The abstracts (short summary versions) for those studies can be read here: . They also showed that SilverSol does not interact negatively with any common medications, and the abstract for that study can be read here: . We also have numerous other studies which show that Silver Sol nano-silver does not damage human cells (non-cytotoxic) at the levels in which we use it. Besides the hard proof scientific testing, more than 18,000,000 bottles of SilverSol products have been ingested or applied topically by people all over the world over the last 2 decades, and there have never been any reported negative side effects. On top of that, the Merek Manual states that metallic silver (whether it is nano-sized or not) is not classified as a heavy metal, and does not do any damage to those associated vital organs.

SilverSol nano-silver is very safe at the levels in which it is used. Even at consumption levels as high as 5,000 mg/kg, the Silver Sol Technology products were found to be completely safe in ingestion studies! If you every have any questions about the safety of Silver Sol Technology products please contact the company and we will be pleased to forward the appropriate “Real Science” data to you.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with your doctor and receive proper medical advice before taking any supplement

1 comment

  • Dr Keith

    I have used this product for more that a month now. It seems to clean and also make my teeth visibly whiter. it is a great product i would recommend it.

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